King Tiberius’ Cave

Explore the King Tiberius’ Cave in the Vena del Gesso Romagnola Park

The Cave of King Tiberius is the most famous cave in the Parco della Vena del Gesso Romagnola, part of a vast system of natural cavities 6 kilometers long and with a difference in height of 223 meters. Known for its significant archaeological value, it has collected numerous testimonies over the centuries that make it an important center of historical memory.

The Cave of King Tiberius is only accessible by guided tour. Visitors can easily walk about sixty meters to the impressive Gothic Hall. For more in-depth and safe explorations, caving equipment and the presence of an expert guide are required.

Nearby is the new Visitor Center on Karst and Speleology, located along the provincial road from Borgo Rivola to Casola Valsenio. A visit to the Centre offers a better understanding of this extraordinary historical and naturalistic heritage represented by the King Tiberius’ Cave.

For more information and reservations

329 679 1490

Discover an unforgettable piece of natural history!